Cancer, for the Italian Medicines Agency it is time to break down the barriers between research and industry

Cancer, for the Italian Medicines Agency it is time to break down the barriers between research and industry


The time for access to anticancer drugs, especially innovative ones, is still too long. And clinicians should have the opportunity to participate more in health policy decision-making tables. These are some of the bottlenecks that emerged during the hearing of the Parliamentary Intergroup “Oncology: prevention, research and innovation”, which was attended by Giorgio Palù, president of the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa), who also underlined the need to increase “real life” studies to photograph the efficacy of new molecules in daily clinical practice (and not only in the laboratory), to promote the Molecular tumor boards, interdisciplinary research groups to refine precision oncological medicine, to implement a single national technological platform for genomic sequencing and to increase…


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