Campania, De Luca and the third term: “I will run for eternity”

Campania, De Luca and the third term: "I will run for eternity"


NoonJanuary 27, 2023 – 4:21 pm

The governor then against the minister Valditara: on the school, as on health, the government line is to privatize

Of Simon Brandolini

No ceiling on mandates, or let’s put ceilings on everyone, would be insane but coherent, or we don’t understand the ceiling. Vincenzo De Luca says it from Venice. And it is no coincidence given that in Veneto his colleague Luca Zaia is already in his third term. Then he adds: Let the citizens have the floor, then they can decide for a mandate or support someone who solves some problems. We need to evaluate the government’s action on the merits, there is only demagoguery. I will run again forever, it depends on my health. The Campania governor fully embraces the Bonaccini line (or De Luca would say that Bonaccini agrees with him). That just in Salerno, last week, he said: Campania decides it, not us.

Differentiated salaries

Then during his usual live fb: We have heard a statement by the Minister of Education Valditara relating to the salaries of teachers, in which he proposes to differentiate salaries between the territories of the country. A clear line of privatization continues on school policies, as in health care: differentiating salaries between North and South essentially means accentuating the elements of separation of our country, it means accentuating and making the gap between North and South permanent, it means abandoning any Southern policy. And he continues: In Milan the cost of living is higher, this is absolutely true. But we also know that in Milan everyone works in a family: not in the South, if one works a miracle. The employment rate in the north is close to 70%, in the south it is 40% and youth unemployment is double that of the centre-north. So even if we make a substantial calculation – De Luca concluded – it is misleading to think about the cost of living, but we must think about the income recorded by each family.

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January 27, 2023 | 4:21pm



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