“By 11 February Nordio can revoke the 41-bis from Cospito”. The guarantor of the prisoners speaks

"By 11 February Nordio can revoke the 41-bis from Cospito".  The guarantor of the prisoners speaks


“Not being conditioned means not acting on the pressures suffered, but also not acting in response to those pressures, on the detention regime of Alfredo Cospito the government must judge on the merits and not on the basis of the emotional wave of these daysnot to do so would be to say that the anarchists have really won”. Mauro Palma, national guarantor of prisoners appeals to the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio. He begs him not to get drawn into a dangerous mechanism that risks obscuring the merits of the matter. The reasoning is this: on Cospito’s state of health, with his transfer to the Opera prison, the minister and the government have shown that they are acting on the merits, but now it will be necessary to do the same on the detention regime.

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