“But now he’s resigning.” Motion of no confidence, M5S displaces Pd- Corriere.it

"But now he's resigning."  Motion of no confidence, M5S displaces Pd- Corriere.it


Of Adriana Logroscino

Count’s move. Boccia (corrected by Schlein): not needed. Employees: We used to meet with her

The united oppositions, with the exception of Italia viva which parades in the name of guarantees, are asking Minister Santanchè to resign. For “ethical reasons, of political expediency”, explain the exponents of Pd, Verdi and the left, Action and Autonomie who, with that “Santanchè should not have become a minister” pronounced by Luigi Spagnolli, wins the unanimous applause of the minority.

Less cohesive, however, is the maneuver, after the 5 Stars filed the motion of no confidence. «The crimes will be discussed in the appropriate forums, here the discipline and honor with which public offices are exercised are evaluated. You did not convince this House today, not us», Stefano Patuanelli addresses Santanchè directly in announcing it. His words are followed by a chorus of “resignations, resignations”, from the benches of the 5 Stars. The leap forward, however, causes nervousness. For the group leader dem Francesco Boccia thus “the majority is reunited”. Then the bubble: “Not a great strategy” rather “a favor to the government”. Giuseppe Conte, M5S leader, counters: «We are not doing the government a favour. We do it to unpaid workers.” With him, some employees of the minister’s companies appear in the Senate. And they deny Santanchè’s reconstruction: “We had meetings directly with the doctor every 15 days.”

In the evening it is precisely the secretary dem Elly Schlein to record the course with respect to the statements of his group leader: «Of course yes, we will vote on the 5 Star motion. Santanchè tried to defend the indefensible. He didn’t give any answers.” Through Antonio Misiani, who spoke in the Chamber, the Democratic Party had raised doubts that even the center-right was satisfied with the reconstruction of Santanchè. «We are not the only ones who were impressed by the minister’s words, judging by the nervousness in the government benches. A gallery of ugliness.’

A (further) fracture is also taking place in the Third Pole. The single group of the Senate, in fact, entrusts the intervention to the exponent Iv Enrico Borghi. Carlo Calenda does not feel represented: «Santanchè explain or resign. Let’s see if Borghi will follow this line». The anti-aircraft Iv accuses him of justicialism. Borghi, in fact, in the Chamber claims the presumption of innocence in defense of the minister. The leader of Azione disagrees with Iv: «No to useless motions of no confidence, but Santanchè resigns. It’s an ethical question.”

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July 5, 2023 (change July 5, 2023 | 22:04)


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