Budget 2023, money for autism and assisted procreation. There is no (for now) severance pay for directors

Budget 2023, money for autism and assisted procreation.  There is no (for now) severance pay for directors


NoonDecember 16, 2022 – 21:20

The unions are asking for a lowering of the Irpef surtax for low-income families. The Piedmontese councilor: «Let’s check». Money for Carnival events. Here comes the Social Taxi

Of Francesco Strippoli

Money for autism, assisted procreation, carnival in different cities (a classic). Also a rule that allows regional councilors, on maternity or paternity leave, to participate remotely in the work of the Chamber or commission without being absent. There is a little bit of everything in the amendments on the regional law of the 2023 forecast budget, which passed the passage to the first commission (that of financial matters) on Friday. There is still, if there ever will be, the rule on the Tfm, the end-of-term indemnity for regional councilors.

The assault on the stagecoach

The Piedmontese councilor
The Piedmontese councilor

There is everything in the Budget and there is above all what is often referred to as an «assault on diligence». That is, the request for large and small appropriations by the councilors: often micro-issues related to the area of ​​election. This time the assault was carried out with more fervor, because the money available for the amendments is scarce while the requests amounted to 175 million. LCouncilor for the Budget, Raffaele Piemontese, has made 10-11 million available. For this reason, on many occasions he has asked the councilors to reduce the original request or withdraw the proposal. The summary of the day: the Budget commission, chaired by Fabiano Amati, examined the junta’s bill in the morning, the package of amendments in the evening.

Settlement to councilors

The day was accompanied by background noise on the controversial issue of the severance pay (TFM) of the directors. The hypothesis arose, as has always happened for some time, on the margins of the discussion on the Budget. Someone would like to restore it after the cancellation decided in 2012, many oppose, the governor Emiliano says he knows nothing, the prime minister Capone is open to it. So far no one has presented the relative amendment, even if the councilor for agriculture Donato Pentassuglia has declared himself ready to write it. He hasn’t appeared so far: at this point we await the debate in the Chamber on 20 and 21 December. Anyone who wants to promote it will have to present it there. On Monday, at 4 pm, it could be discussed during the majority meeting.

The opposites

The opponents of the TFM are numerous: the M5S says no and the Democratic Party is divided. While Francesco Ventola (FdI), from the opposition, does not want to know about “a rule slipped in at the last moment” and if anything asks for a specific bill, the burden of presentation of which must fall on the Prime Minister (titled to deal with the status of councilors). Puglia is one of the few Regions that has not foreseen the Tfm after the abolition of the 2012. But deciding in this difficult period for families is considered untimely by various councilors (the penstastellati, the dem Metallo, Mazzarano, Parchitelli, Ciliento, the civic Tutolo).

The amendments on autism and Pma

We come to the budget. Approved about sixty of the 103 amendments presented. The strongest one concerns the 5 million for the fight against autism (proposal by Mazzarano, Parchitelli, Vizzino). Here the money had already been foreseen in the phase of preparation of the printout (the prospectus of the figures) because the Piedmontese councilor was aware of the purpose. Another amendment concerns support for couples with infertility problems: one and a half million has been allocated for Pma (medically assisted procreation). This initiative also comes from the Democratic Party.

Scholarships for doctors

An amendment by Antonio Tutolo (civic, Mixed) puts one and a half million to bring the scholarships, funded by the Region, from 30 to 90 for the specialization of young doctors. The money was diverted from the 15 million euro allocation for the fight against waiting lists, in the logic that the two measures travel in the same direction. Tutolo, however, had to agree to withdraw the costly amendment for the establishment of the Psycho-Oncologist (but there is a bill on the point). Also in healthcare (Metallo proposal) the allocation of 300 thousand euros was passed to support prenatal screening (an alternative to invasive amniocentesis) to identify chromosomal diseases in the fetus (such as Down or Edwards syndrome). Then there are 150 thousand euros for the “social taxi” for the accompaniment of fragile people. And the ever-green allocation for carnival events: one million for Putignano, Manfredonia, Massafra, Gallipoli, Sammichele and Apricena.

In the Chamber on December 20: waiting for Irpef

On Friday morning, the Piedmontese councilor met with the social partners to illustrate the manoeuvre. The CGIL, CISL and UIL trade unions have asked for “answers on the social level”. In particular, a lowering of the regional surtax on income tax for the lowest income brackets was requested. Attention was also asked for culture and entertainment companies and important support for local transport (for which, however, the junta had already provided for an additional 15 million). On the lowering of the Irpef, Piemontese has reserved an in-depth analysis: the answer, if there is one, will arrive in the Chamber next Tuesday.

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December 16, 2022 | 21:20



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