Brussels sticks Meloni on banaries. But there is no one in the government to manage the dossier

Brussels sticks Meloni on banaries.  But there is no one in the government to manage the dossier


The proxies on the beaches belonged to Santanchè. Then of Palazzo Chigi. So of Musumeci. Now, in fact, nobody has them. Fitto builds a mediation with the EU, which however the government does not like. The obligatory way is to return to Draghi’s draft: and Lega and FI are already laughing at it

Call who? The embarrassment is such, in the government, such is the confusion, that it is not even known who has to respond to the calls of the European Commission. And not surprisingly, given that four months after the birth of her executive, and with an infringement procedure to manage, and the intolerance of the Quirinale recorded in the minutes, Giorgia Meloni has not yet found the way and the time to assign the delegation on bathing establishments. From Daniela Santanchè the competence had been remitted to Palazzo Chigi. From there she seemed to have to be transferred to Nello Musumeci. Not at all. She hasn’t received it and she hasn’t even jostled to grab it, given the trouble that would ensue. And so it ends up that even convening a meeting becomes a busillis: “The competent ministers will take care of it”, says Francesco Lollobrigida, as if to reassure that everything is under control. But to date, there are no competent ones.

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