Brussels reminds Meloni that there is an agreement on the checks on the Pnrr: “We will carefully monitor the Court of Auditors”

Brussels reminds Meloni that there is an agreement on the checks on the Pnrr: "We will carefully monitor the Court of Auditors"


“It is the responsibility of the Italian authorities that the bodies responsible for monitoring the spending of the funds are able to work,” says a European Commission spokesman

We have an agreement with Italy on the need to have an effective control system regarding the expenditure of Pnrr funds and it is the responsibility of the Italian authorities that these entities are able to work”. have set up an ad hoc body responsible for monitoring Pnrr funds, we will monitor very closely what the draft law provides for the Court of Auditors“, he added. But until the PA decree is approved, with it the amendment that repeals the concurrent control of the Court of Auditors on the Pnrr, the Commission prefers not to express itself: “As a general rule we do not express ourselves on draft laws and so let’s not go into detail”, is the position. The deadline for converting the decree expires in twenty days.

As reported in this newspaper, the decision to entrust the supervision of the work in progress to the accounting judges, Mario Draghi he had adopted it precisely at the European request. The same spokesman for the European Commission explains how the controls work in the various countries: “The national control systems are the main mechanisms for protecting the financial interests of the EU and it is the member states that must ensure that there are no conflicts of interest and or fraud. And Italy has a solid system in place”.

Seen from Brussels, the situation may appear confusing. The great misunderstanding is that the role of the Court will not be dismantled, because the accounting judges will in any case be called upon to supervise and report to the Chambers every six months on the state of implementation of the Plan, but it is certainly weakened, at least in its accompanying function. And it is on this aspect that the Commission will want clarifications, perhaps some reassurances (in a phase, moreover, on which Brussels is exercising a scrupulous control over the Italian Pnrr, and in fact the go-ahead for the third installment, which has now been stopped for six months, is still not seen).


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