Brothers of Italy returns to growth in the polls. The Democratic Party, on the other hand, falls

Brothers of Italy returns to growth in the polls.  The Democratic Party, on the other hand, falls


In a stable political framework, Giorgia Meloni’s party scores a plus 0.7 percent which brings it to 29.5 percent of voting intentions. Now there are more than eight points of difference from the Democratic Party

The last one SWG poll for La7 news proposes an electoral scenario that marks a slight change compared to the last few weeks. Brothers of Italy reaches 29.5 percent of the preferences of the interviewees, marking an increase of 0.7 percent. A small increase that is made more important by the simultaneous drop in the Democratic Party, which loses 0.4 percent and returns to 21.1. However, it is too early to say whether the Elly Schlein effect has ended among the Democrats.

The scenario, with the exception of the first two parties, is quite stable. The M5s goes up 0.3 percent to 15.6, the League is stuck at 9 percent. Forza Italia and Azione lose 0.2 percent and are now at 6.6 and 4.1 percent.

Little changes even among the smaller parties. The Greens and the Left gain 0.1 percent and reach 3.3, Italia viva grows by 0.3 percent and +Europe by 0.1 (they reach 2.8 and 2.4 percent respectively). For Italy, with Comparison, however, it falls below 2 percent, losing 0.2. The same drop for Unione Popolare, now at 1.6.


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