Brothers of Italy? No, by Draghi, inspirer of the Melonian leadership

Brothers of Italy?  No, by Draghi, inspirer of the Melonian leadership


Ukraine, Superbonus, Citizenship income, procurement code, price cap, competition, regasification terminals, tax reform. Reread the last speech of the former premier in the Senate to understand the dragging of Giorgia Meloni

Brothers of Italy or Brothers of Dragons? Two years have passed since the first vote of confidence obtained by Mario Draghi in the Chamber of Deputies and two years later the former governor of the European Central Bank could not help but notice a circumstance that the more time passes the more curious it becomes. And the circumstance is this: the political leader closest, most sensitive and most in tune with the political agenda unfolded by Draghi during his year and a half at Palazzo Chigi is the only one, indeed the only one, who during the last legislature he has never voted his confidence in the former prime minister.

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