Brothers of Italy exceeds 31 percent, the M5s consolidates the advantage over the Democratic Party

Brothers of Italy exceeds 31 percent, the M5s consolidates the advantage over the Democratic Party


The centrality of Giorgia Meloni continues to pay off, while Forza Italia at 6.9 percent is the party that grows the most. The League and especially the dem, the ones who record the greatest losses, are down. The grillini take advantage of this, now aiming for 18 percent and at least at the polling level, they are increasingly the first opposition force

The government effect, the centrality of Giorgia Meloni, continues to pay off and is reflected in the polls they give Brothers of Italy at 31.3 per cent, the most popular party by separation. This is certified by the first SWG survey – for La7 – of the new year, recording an increase of 0.7 percent compared to the previous survey of 19 December. A dynamic that also favors Forza Italia, the party that grows the most (+0.8 percent) reaching 6.9, with Us Moderates at 1.1 (+0.2). Matteo Salvini’s League, on the other hand, loses half a point and drops to 8.5 percent.

On the opposition front, however, the 5 Star Movement is the only one to see its support grow, consolidating the advantage – at least at the polling level – over the Democratic Party. The grillini are estimated at 17.7 percent (they earn 0.3 points in twenty days), thus accrediting themselves, beyond the numbers in Parliament, as the most credible force in curbing the action of the Meloni government. Probably the defense of the basic income together with the social demands of which the pentastellati are the bearers are perceived by those who do not vote for the center-right as central issues and of which Giuseppe Conte is the most effective interpreter at this stage.

This can be understood even more considering the constant fall of the Democratic Party, grappling with an unexciting congress, screwed up in its own internal affairs and therefore unable to affect the political agenda. Translated into percentages, it means 14 percent of the preferences for the dem. They were at 14.7 and no party lost that much. There is not much to smile about even for the Third Pole, which has officially launched the federation process between Italia viva and Action in recent weeks: 7.5 percent (lose by 0.3).

As for the minor parties, the Italian Left/Greens are at 3.7 percent (minus 0.3) while +Europe is growing, reaching 3 percent (+0.2). The number of those who do not express themselves remains large, and slightly growing (+0.2): 38 percent of Italians.

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