Brothers of Europe. In Rome the international conservative is staged

Brothers of Europe.  In Rome the international conservative is staged


From Vox to Fidesz everyone in the Italian capital to toast the electoral success of FdI, but Ukraine and the energy crisis underline the differences between the conservatives. Raffaele Fitto, Lieutenant from Melon in Strasbourg explains: “Today the Italian interest is to ask for a common European solution”. Sovereign contradictions

The library of the good curator is arranged on two benches in front of the room. A distillation of readings that ranges from Prezzolini to Mario Giordano, from Margareth Thatcher to Sgarbi. There is not even a biography of Rino Gaetano, whose songs accompanied the victory of Giorgia Meloni (and outraged the relatives of the singer-songwriter, “Rino’s songs belong to no one”).

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