Bridge over the Strait, the battle over costs: 13.5 billion for the government, more than 15 for the opposition

Bridge over the Strait, the battle over costs: 13.5 billion for the government, more than 15 for the opposition


A 13.5 billion euro project

The decree to restart the works for the bridge over the Strait, after the go-ahead from the Environment and Transport commissions, is expected to be examined by the Chamber today. However, an obstacle course is expected given the access to political debate on the latest amendments to the approved text, specifically one of the majority that concerns the increase in material prices. Opposition parties launched cost alert, after the Def set the maximum ceiling at 13.5 billion euros. In response, the government explained that it had “sealed” the situation precisely to avoid excessive increases in prices and extra profits. “The amendment has the intention of explaining the mechanism for calculating the adaptation of the work – explained the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure, Edoardo Rixi, in a hearing before the commissions –. In 2011 the cost was 8.5 billion, while today it has risen to 13.5 billion overall». The project remains the same as it was 12 years ago, but is being updated, «the materials have changed over time», he specified.

Read also:Bridge over the Strait will cost 13.5 billion but there is no money in the Def


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