Blitz by environmentalists in the Senate, La Russa announces: “We will form a civil party”

Blitz by environmentalists in the Senate, La Russa announces: "We will form a civil party"


“The Senate will appear as a civil party” in the proceeding against the Last Generation environmentalists who yesterday morning daubed the facade of the Senate, covering the door and some windows on the ground floor with red paint. This was announced by the President of the Senate himself, Ignazio La Russa, during the meeting of the Presidential Council.

Environmentalists smear the Senate: the latest generation blitz

This was reported at the end of the meeting by the vice president of the Senate, Maurizio Gasparri. «I’m sorry that, while everyone condemned what happened, a political force did not agree with the president’s proposal – he said, hinting at a reference to the leader of the M5s, Giuseppe Conte – Perhaps they are more interested in the hotels in Cortina. ..».

“It is a regrettable act to be condemned, with respect to which there is no ambiguity, but a debate must be opened on an important issue such as climate change”, is the reply of the M5s, in the voice of Senator Pietro Lorefice.

the comment

The soup on the paintings? Just an appetizer: the green soul is increasingly extreme and the blitz in the Senate proves it

nicolas lozito

«We are not interested in regulatory changes, we don’t want exemplary punishments, aggravations of sentences or specific crimes – explained La Russa – If anything within the scope of the discretion of the magistrates, we hope for an attitude aware of the importance of institutional buildings. But it is our right to be able to file a civil action to request compensation for material and moral damages”.

The activists were yesterday arrested in the act: three were arrested and two reported. For them the charge is aggravated damage. For those arrested, a hearing must be held by express procedure before the judge of the court of Rome. La Russa’s reaction had already been harsh after his arrest: “No alibi, no justification for an act that offends all institutions and which only thanks to the cold blood of the carabinieri is not transcended into violence,” he said.

More security, but Palazzo Madama does not close
The presidency of the Senate has also decided to start an evaluation, entrusted to the senators and quaestors, on how security can be further improved in the areas bordering Palazzo Madama, but “without locking it down”.

“A few small tricks are enough because we want the Senate to stay in contact with the people as much as possible without being frightened, intimidated or conditioned by four kids who claim to change the world by throwing a little paint,” said La Russa.


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