Bills, the government studies the use of 750 million European funds for aid to families and SMEs

Bills, the government studies the use of 750 million European funds for aid to families and SMEs


In the shadow of the much debated National Recovery and Resilience Plan there is another source of European resources on which Italy is drawing with extreme difficulty. It is the React-EU fund, created in 2020 by Brussels to respond to the economic and social emergencies triggered by the Covid-19, which for Italy has availability of 14.4 billion, of which 9.3 for the South. This is an extra dowry that has increased the 2014-2020 cycle of the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), but now we risk losing 1.3 billion.

As at 31 December 2022, in fact, the total expenditure certified to the European Commission amounted to 1.8 billion, just 12.5% ​​of the programmed resources, with some Programs registering zero certification (Infrastructure and Inclusion). And the estimate of funds at risk of disengagement currently amounts to 1.36 billion. Hence the work to salvage what can be salvaged initiated by the government with an investigation by the Department for Cohesion Policies headed by the Minister for EU, Pnrr and Southern Affairs, Raffaele Fitto. On the basis of the European «Safe» initiative which allows flexibility on EU funds 2014-2020, the aim is to divert at least 750 million, coming from the most backward Programs, to cover energy aid for the most vulnerable families, i.e. the social bonus for supply of electricity and gas for households with an ISEE of less than 15 thousand euros, and partly also to support measures for SMEs.

Advanced negotiations with at least seven regions

The scheme under discussion at the moment envisages using 500 million for aid on the bill (estimate that can be revised upwards) going to definance the National Operational Programs Metropolitan Cities, Research, Inclusion, Culture and Development, Governance for the same amount. The comparison with the ministries responsible for the individual Pons is considered to be at a good point. At least another 200-250 million would come from the Regional Operational Programs (Por) for which negotiations with the Regions are already in an advanced stage: Calabria, Basilicata, Campania, Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Sicily. Evaluations are also underway with Tuscany and Puglia.

The data and objectives of the Safe program were illustrated during the annual review meeting between the European Commission and the managing authorities of the operational programs financed by EU funds 2014-2020. The transfer of resources to energy is allowed by EU Regulation 435/2023 and a share of resources could also go to businesses. Some Regions in particular, such as Lombardy and Marche, thanks to this reprogramming, are considering issuing new notices to finance working capital in favor of small and medium-sized enterprises. Basilicata and Campania could cover measures already activated in favor of SMEs (as well as disadvantaged families) to meet the extra costs of energy and gas.

However, for the portion of aid that could go to SMEs, it is necessary to acquire some clarifications on the EU Regulation, for example to define with certainty whether the “Safe” initiative can also be applied to aid measures granted under the “de minimis” regime.


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