Between those who take advantage of it and those who are discovered: how to correct the citizen’s income

Between those who take advantage of it and those who are discovered: how to correct the citizen's income


From the question of “employability” to measures that end up encouraging illegal work, rather than regular work: the defects of the RDC are known but the Meloni government proceeds in an ideological way in the interventions, while it would be possible to do much better. that’s how

There is no perfect public policy and the Basic income (Rdc) is anything but perfect. It has always been said: the Rdc works well for the fight against poverty, badly for those who have to find work instead, it is better to try to separate the two audiences that have different needs. The former must be protected potentially without time limits (minors, the disabled, the elderly but also many people unable to work due to psychic or physical limitations), the latter must be helped to find work but with an incentive to leave the subsidy. Hence the distinction between “employable” and “non-employable” that has existed since the existence of the RDC. But there is also another iron rule that pertains more to politics than to public policies: as long as a party that has promoted and implemented a policy is in government that policy cannot be changed even if the defects are known. An attempt was also made during the Draghi government (a decalage of the measure for the employable and at the same time an increase in work incentives was proposed) but without success.

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