Between magnetic Milan and the dynamism of the provinces: where the challenge for the Pirellone is won

Between magnetic Milan and the dynamism of the provinces: where the challenge for the Pirellone is won


Portrait of Lombardy, the richest and most populous region of Italy on which the political spotlight has turned on, in view of next year’s regional ones. A real test for future national equilibrium where those who want to win must choose a candidate who not only speaks to the big city, but knows how to open up to everything else

Even today it is the most populous, the one that produces the most artifacts and fruits on the earth, the richest of the regions, with about 40 thousand euros per year per inhabitant and a total gross product of 328 billion, 22 per cent of Italian GDP for having a population equal to 17 per cent of the national one. There Lombardy he gave the Catholic Church ten popes, no less than three in the 1900s: Pius XI, John XXIII, Paul VI, jealously defending the Ambrosian rite from the Roman rite, a vocation to identity rather than diversity. He has generated repeated political innovations, not all positive: from Filippo Turati’s reformist socialism to Benito Mussolini’s fascism to Craxism, Lega, Berlusconi, devouring leaders like Uranus their own children.

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