Berlusconi’s abdication. Angelucci and Meloni now also want radios. Fi lost

Berlusconi's abdication.  Angelucci and Meloni now also want radios.  Fi lost


The Angeluccis don’t stop. Interest in a large national radio station and in Radio Padania. Sallusti towards the return to the Journal. The Cav., for the party, is now a prisoner of Pascale

Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini sing it and Silvio Berlusconi drinks it. He drinks the drink prepared by the Angelucci brothers: “President, seventy percent of the Journal is ours, but thirty remains yours”. Alessandro Sallusti director will return to the newspaper. Giorgia Meloni desires it and every wish of him will be fulfilled by the Angeluccis. Berlusconi has abdicated but nobody tells him. Salvini’s 50th birthday was celebrated on Friday evening and a toast was also made to the fall of Silvio Lear. Once the video of the Knight singing “Malafemmena” would have been released, while today the “Song of Marinella” by Salvini and Meloni, the government Jalisse, is being released. Salvini, Meloni, Giorgetti, the Angelucci brothers and members of the League were at the same table when Berlusconi indicated Sallusti and announced: “I present to you the new editor of the newspaper”. He is convinced that he chose it, but with thirty percent the lines of his exclusive interviews will also be reduced: Meloni 70, Berlusconi 30.

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