Berlusconi stirs Meloni’s nightmares between Putin, Casellati and Ronzulli

Berlusconi stirs Meloni's nightmares between Putin, Casellati and Ronzulli


They have the keys to Palazzo Chigi: they are the only ones who can make Giorgia Meloni fail. Silvio Berlusconi with Russia: “I have re-established relations with Putin. He gave me 20 bottles of vodka and I 20 of Lambrusco ”. Licia Ronzulli with obstruction. Half party is Joan of Arc for the other half is a witch. A deputy from FI: “She is our Magdalene”. Everyone hates her, everyone loves her. Secretly: “She is the best at destroying”. Face to face: “Licia you are our president”. At the behest of the head, of the Cav., Since yesterday she has accumulated two positions: you are group leader in the Senate but also head of the anti-Meloni CLN. Monday evening, at Villa Grande, they say that Antonio Tajani has started to scold her to which Silvio Berlusconi has reached out: “Now you have to stop”. It is she who holds Silvio Cristo’s handkerchief.

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