Berlinguer at Rete 4. Mediaset, what are you doing?

Berlinguer at Rete 4. Mediaset, what are you doing?


The driving force of Rete 4 is far from exhausted, Mediaset’s central information network continues to attract. The arrival of Bianca Berlinguer will give, according to the first information made available, a new substance to the important appointment with the talk at 8.30 pm, the time in which the well-experienced Lilli Gruber, with the equally tested “Otto e mezzo”, he had always surpassed, sometimes doubling them, the retequattristi ratings. The editorial choice is mimetic with respect to the very solid presenter of La7. The public that at that hour wants more information, after the main newscasts, belongs to the minority, however not small, of politics enthusiasts. And, perhaps, offering them some hard-line classics from Rete 4 was not appropriate (there is room in the late evening for the well-known shows cloaked in the fight against the unique thoughts of others, strongly claimed, but not clearly identifiable and certainly aggressive).

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