Beppe Grillo defends JJ4: “It’s not right to kill a bear that made a bear”

Beppe Grillo defends JJ4: "It's not right to kill a bear that made a bear"


“Is it right to kill a bear that made a bear? Is it civility? Is this justice?”. It is to ask Beppe Grillo who on his blog – recently renovated with a more airy, clean and redesigned home – relaunched the post of the former M5S Paolo Bernini in defense of bear JJ4, “Mother bear has been captured, her cubs, at the mercy of the woods and poachers, are destined to die. Is this civilization?”, continues Bernini in the post published on the blog of the founder of the 5 Star Movement.

“The bears of Trentino – continues the former pentastellato – belong to the unavailable heritage of the state, like all wildlife, and not to the president of the province Maurizio Fugattiwho received another slap from the Tar, given that the latter reminded him that he cannot use the instrument of a contingent and urgent ordinance to repair what the Province has not done so far “.

After all, Bernini continues on Grillo’s blog, “even the Constitutional Court pronounced itself clearly with the sentence of 16 July 2019, which reaffirms that the competence in the field of wildlife, and moreover particularly protected, belongs precisely to the State. And it is not an interregional agreement such as Pacobace, which the president of the Province uses and interprets as he pleases, that prevails over current legislation which instead offers all the necessary tools, in agreement with the technical-scientific bodies of the State and the Ministry of the Environment , to simultaneously guarantee both the protection of bears and specific activities for the dissemination of information on the behaviors to be adopted to prevent accidents and also preserve public safety”.

“The family of Andrea Papi, to whom we express our sincere condolences, is yet another victim – it is underlined – of a short-sighted policy attentive only to interests of power, and has rightly filed a complaint against the bodies that have not complied with their tasks. We therefore hope that the judiciary will nail everyone to mutual responsibilities and lay bare the omissions, lies and incompetence”. Therefore, the post concludes, “the road to reconciliation between man and Nature is still long and the goal will certainly not be achieved by exercising revenge against a mother bear only for human foolishness and unreasonableness”.


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