Benaglia (Cisl) explains to Meloni why Ilva is at risk Alitalia

Benaglia (Cisl) explains to Meloni why Ilva is at risk Alitalia


When on 12 August 2012 the Taranto magistrate ordered the shutdown of the Ilva plants without the right to use them, and the government sent the then minister Clini to Taranto to issue a new environmental authorization that would allow the plant to function, Adolfo Ursonow Minister of Development, wrote a tweet: “Well Clini but where is Passera? It’s not just a question of the environment, it’s above all industrial policy”. Since then Urso has remained one of the few politicians to follow the Ilva crisis, which has never been resolved, defending Italian steel on a full cycle basis. When ArcelorMittal decided to dissolve the contract after yet another judicial order following the removal of the shield, Urso tweeted: “The ambiguity of the government and the irresponsibility of the 5 Stars have prejudiced the national interest, the fate of Ilva is now hostage to Indian pirates”. Who would have thought that he would become Minister of Development at the very moment when everyone wants to get rid of these “Indians”.

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