Behind the Ischia landslide: the inability to spend European money. A chat with Minister Fitto

Behind the Ischia landslide: the inability to spend European money.  A chat with Minister Fitto


The case of Casamicciola is not only a dramatic window on hydrogeological risks but also a warning on another landslide to be monitored: what risks a country that has many resources to use and does not know what to do about it. “We need vision, streamlining and binding commitments, also on spending”, says the head of European affairs

In the dramatic and painful landslide of Ischia – a landslide that at the time of writing has taken the lives of eight people, left four people missing and forced about two hundred and thirty people to enter the category of displaced persons – there is a story within a story that deserves to be told. And it is a story that concerns a political, economic and cultural problem that risks having a more important impact on the life of our country than the famous controversy over the amnesties of Ischia in recent days (2019, Conte-Salvini government).

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