Because the Melonian tax mosaic is an escape from reality

Because the Melonian tax mosaic is an escape from reality


The brazen coordinates of the “tax respite”, the new cash ceiling, the amnesty for traders without Pos, the widening of the flat tax: in this way the government will lend a hand to small and large tax evaders

It is written fiscal peace, it reads evasion from reality. The first news relating to the coordinates identified by the government to develop the so-called “tax truce” indicate a direction of the majority as clear as it is brazen. The summary is soon said: all notices received from 2000 to date by the Revenue Agency can be paid without having to pay interest or penalties (there will be a penalty, but only symbolic). All tax bills of less than one thousand euros relating to the period from 2000 to 2016 will be cleared. All bills received between 2000 and 2022 below 3,000 euros, except those below 1,000 euros relating to the period from 2000 to 2016, as mentioned, can be paid without penalties and interest and with a discount that could range from a minimum 50 per cent of the amount due up to a maximum of 80 per cent. All folders worth more than 3,000 euros will be payable with a long-term scrapping without interest and without penalties.

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