Because the choice of Pirelli is a double test for Meloni: geopolitical and industrial

Because the choice of Pirelli is a double test for Meloni: geopolitical and industrial


Palazzo Chigi, after yesterday’s hearings, has all the elements in hand to properly evaluate his intervention on the shares of the Chinese group Sinochem in the Milanese multinational. The EU is also watching: the draft within ten days

The hearings of Pirelli and Camfin took place yesterday at the Office for the preparatory activities for the exercise of the Golden Power, which is part of the administrative activities coordination department of the Prime Minister’s Office. Marco Tronchetti Provera. The Sinochem Chinese had already been consulted and listened to by the Office, led by Bernardo Argiolas. At this point, all the elements are available to Palazzo Chigi to evaluate how to target the golden share intervention in Pirelli. Within ten days, the offices will draw up a report and a draft measure, after having had jurists evaluate full compliance with all the changes made to the law establishing the government’s special powers over public and private companies, which dates back to 11 years ago . At that point, the Dpcm of Palazzo Chigi is expected by June 23, to allow for the Pirelli assembly by the end of the month which, pending the government, had meanwhile been suspended.

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