Because Ance accuses the government of irresponsibility on the Superbonus

Because Ance accuses the government of irresponsibility on the Superbonus


“The underestimation of this problem risks condemning our country to an abrupt halt and a dangerous collapse of confidence”, writes the president

The government’s decision to stop the regions, which were buying the credits blocked by building bonuses to give life to local businesses, is unleashing a perfect storm that can overwhelm the productive and social fabric represented by the large construction chain which, with great difficulty, for over a year, despite a thousand obstacles, has been driving GDP and employment. I wonder if we have fully understood the dramatic situation in which thousands of families and businesses find themselves, to which the credit tap has been turned off out of the blue. Without any fault except that of having believed in the incentives provided by the State in 2020 for energy efficiency and seismic safety. Measures then subsequently modified and gradually resized until they are effectively inaccessible and unusable.

Like Ance, we have been offering concrete solutions for months in all competent offices unlock credits and prevent the shutdown of thousands of construction sites across cities, with devastating consequences not only in economic terms, but also in terms of safety and degradation. The doubt arises that one does not have full awareness of what it means to block construction sites in progress on houses and condominiums. Nor of how many inconveniences, disputes and economic damages are already unleashing on the territories. I myself receive dozens of emails and messages every day, not only from businesses, but also from condominium administrators, professionals and desperate citizens who don’t know how to get out of this serious situation. Let’s talk about 15 billion stranded and 25,000 shipyards at risk. A tsunami for an economy already exposed to a thousand national and international uncertainties. To unlock them, the only solution is to use the F24s to offset the accrued credits, as we had proposed together with Abi. Any other partial solution, such as the exclusion of the crime of complicity in violation, envisaged by the decree is not sufficient.

The underestimation of this problem risks condemning our country to a screeching halt and a dangerous collapse of confidence. Nor can we reduce everything to a political clash between supporters and detractors of the Superbonus: an effort of responsibility is needed to immediately find a solution in the interest of the whole country. It must be clear that causing businesses to fail and damaging families to make ends meet is like saying that “the operation was successful but the patient died”.


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