“Be careful, Giorgia: if we ratify the Mes, we risk passing for suckers”, Foti (FdI) tells us

"Be careful, Giorgia: if we ratify the Mes, we risk passing for suckers", Foti (FdI) tells us


The group leader of Fratelli d’Italia in the Chamber remains against the bailout fund. “It’s unclear. And if we give the go-ahead now, then the general manager can actually get us to take the money.” Therefore, the premier’s thesis is questioned. “Now we are in government: if we make mistakes we can no longer repent”

The reasons of the government, of course. “It is clear that there is a question of relations with Europe, nobody denies it”. And yet, then, the reasons of the party. “Because the Mes is a historic battle for us. So there is also a question of political dignity, of coherence. For us, as for other colleagues from the centre-right”. Thomas Fotitherefore, still no, he is not convinced. “The ratification of the new Mes seems to me something unclear,” says the group leader of FdI in the Chamber. And fatally, a few steps further on, here is the president of the senators of the League, Max Romeo. He too rings the same bell: “We have always been against the Mes. And frankly, I don’t think there is room for a second thought”. So the resistances, in the sovereign right, are far from disposed of. “And it is therefore an element of seriousness – continues Foti – to proceed with caution. Because, after having ratified, there is no more room for repentance. And then we’d all look like fools.”

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