Aventino Pd against Delmastro: “He has never apologized on the Cospito case, if he is there we will no longer enter the commission”

Aventino Pd against Delmastro: "He has never apologized on the Cospito case, if he is there we will no longer enter the commission"


Enter Delmaster, the Pd comes out. It is the Aventine of the Dems against the undersecretary of justice of FdI. If for the government the Cospito affair is closed, for the Democratic Party it is not at all. Andrea Delmastroauthor with John Donzelli of the attack in the Chamber in the Chamber on the Dem parliamentarians who visited the anarchist in prison at 41bis, he never apologized for having accused the opposition exponents of having made “a bow to the mafia”. This is why, net of the investigation still open at the Rome prosecutor’s office for the disclosure of confidential documents on Cospito, the party of Schlein does not intend to consider the case closed.

Delmastro had been kept away from parliamentary work by the minister Charles Nordio conscious, as told by Republicof the threats of Aventino Dem. After two months, he perhaps thought that the story had been forgotten and put him back in the government roster.

The FdI exponent presented himself both yesterday evening and this morning in the Senate Justice Committee. And both times the Dems Anna Rossomando, Walter Verini and Alfredo Bazoli They have gone out. Indeed, this morning when they saw him sitting in his chair in the commission, they didn’t even enter. It happened yesterday, today and will repeat itself at each subsequent session, in the commission chaired by the Northern League Julia Bongiorno as in the Chamber. A big deal for the government.


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