«Autonomy, an unacceptable project A proposal that splits the country»

«Autonomy, an unacceptable project A proposal that splits the country»


NoonJanuary 7, 2023 – 10:03

Cuperlo, candidate secretary of the Democratic Party: “In Nardò I supported the left, not the right-wing mayor with his past close to Casa Pound”

Of Rosanna Lampugnani

Honorable Gianni Cuperlo, why did you run for office and what differentiates you from the other candidates for the national secretariat of the Democratic Party?
«I have esteem and friendship for each of them, I simply think a profound discussion is necessary on the reasons that have caused us to lose over six million votes in 15 years, with two splits led by the two longest-serving secretaries, Renzi and Bersani, and led to defeats of 2018 and 2022, with the tricolor flame today at Palazzo Chigi. There has never been a serious reflection on all this and on the future of the party. I decided to run as a candidate to try to enrich the discussion and because I am convinced that these problems cannot be solved only by relying on a new leader”.
Aren’t you afraid of representing the “old”, while Schlein is considered the “shock” and Bonaccini the “government”?
«The shock is needed more than ever and I believe it will come from everyone’s proposals, but I repeat: we must not start from names, we need ideas. I am convinced that each nomination will enrich everyone’s reflection. In recent days I have been struck by the fact that our proposal is supported by many who this time thought they would not participate in the primaries”.
What do you answer to those who say that you challenge Schlein on the same playing field on the left?
«It’s a wrong way to look at the congress, Bonaccini and Paola De Micheli are also on the left, it’s not a question of moving the Democratic Party more here or there, but defining its identity. The Democratic Party is now being pursued by Conte and Calenda who want to exploit its difficulties to capture consensus shares. I would like to tell them that never before has the opponent been the right».
A thorny issue in Puglia too is that of alliances: Action or M5S, governance or opposition. Bonaccini said that if he wins, his Pd will be on the side of the government to make alternative proposals. What do you think?
“That one can do nothing but oppose a government that strikes migrants and injures the right to demonstrate, rewards tax evaders and blames poverty. As for governing, there is a problem: the last time we won the polls was with Prodi in 2006, but we governed for ten of the sixteen years that separate us from that vote. This has accentuated the rift with our world, even as we have shouldered the crisis, the pandemic and the war. Today our duty is to lead a serious and worthy opposition, but at the same time we must build and share a broad and successful alternative for when we return to the polls”.
In Puglia, is the alliance with the 5 Stars really ineluctable, as it seems?
«Norberto Bobbio, turning to the left, said: they discuss their destiny without understanding that it depends on their nature; define their nature and their destiny will be clear. This sentence should be at the bottom of the platforms of all candidates for the secretariat of the Democratic Party, because alliances are an integral part of our political identity and must be consistent with the values ​​of a party of the European left. In 2021 in Nardò I supported the center-left candidate, believing it was incompatible with the political battle of the Democratic Party to support the outgoing right-wing mayor, with his past close to Casa Pound ».
Your opinion on the differentiated autonomy proposed by Minister Roberto Calderoli?
«Inadmissible due to the method – the proposal did not pass by the State-Regions conference – and due to the merits, because in addition to everything else, in the absence of the Lep, the essential levels of performance, that proposal becomes the premise for shattering unity and the cohesion of the country, with North-South inequalities destined to explode. In the past, even on the left, it was wrong to underestimate the consequences of a fracture which, not by chance, is dear to the League, but which will have to find a firm reaction in the Democratic Party”.

January 7, 2023 | 10:03



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