At work, the government’s moves have a thread: they are against young people

At work, the government's moves have a thread: they are against young people


It is not clear if they are fully aware of this but in the Def the government has tied its hands and guarantees a permanent de-contribution worth 10 billion of wages up to 35,000 euros a year. In the Def they have allocated only 3 billion but added to the previous allocations, the operation amounts to just under 10 billion in total and involves an increase of around 80 euros net per month in payroll for incomes up to 35 thousand euros (a bit less for the lower levels). It’s not all thanks to this government which limited itself to continuing the path set by the Draghi government which in 2021 and then in July 2022 financed the decontribution for almost 3 billion (after having spent 7 billion on the fixed-figure bonus for low incomes ). But anyhow, the cumulative effect in the paycheck is equivalent to the 80 euros of the Renzi government in 2015 and the operation must be permanent and irreversible because since it is the taxation of the contributions paid by the worker, it is unthinkable that one day we will go back reducing the workers’ paycheck by 80 euros per month. So with this Def the government is committed in all respects to a structural loan of 10 billion which goes to low-income workers and does not go to the flat tax and pensions. Well.

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