“April 25 is a founding holiday. Enough of timeless divisions»- Corriere.it

“April 25 is a founding holiday.  Enough of timeless divisions»- Corriere.it


Of Mark Cremona

The governor of the Northern League of Veneto: «The Liberation is not just a memory, but a projection into the future. Here was Resistance like today in Kiev»

«April 25th is a founding feast. I would like it to become a celebration of the future as well». Luca Zaiafor sure, has no problems with the Liberation Day
. He is, if anything, one of those fed up with the derbies that are played every year in his name. For the Venetian governor, the date must become «the feast of the fight against intolerance, al racism, violence and lack of freedom. Which are everyone’s values, not right or left. AND April 25th is important, today like yesterday».

Why, in your opinion, does April 25th remain important?
«First of all, since we are celebrating the 78th, let us never forget that a war of Resistance has been fought in this country since 8 September 1943. And it is fundamental because the liberation from Nazi-fascism is something that not only those who were in arms fought for. But it involved women, children, civilians. And the exterminated Jews and also the non-Italians who participated must be remembered. It was a war of the world. But it’s also topical.”

What does it refer to?
“Less than 2,000km from home, a new Resistance is being fought. That of the Ukrainian people who risk being overwhelmed. There too, soldiers in arms but also women and children. A helpless company. It is an assonance that does not allow us to forget. Let me also add that April 25th is special for us Venetians».

For San Marco?
“Certain. It is not to water down the sense of Liberation, but to remind us that our flag, which has 1100 years of history, is the only one in the world that contains the word “peace”. And so, here in Veneto, we celebrate April 25 also remembering that a season of important reforms has begun. They are a path of modernity that, on other fronts, we would like for April 25th».

The fact remains that the party continues to divide…
«I hope that we can get away from the usual script of Guelphs and Ghibellines. We first, as institutions, must avoid keeping certain conflicts alive. Which we also see on May 1st and June 2nd. The goal is for them to become parties for everyone».

On the right there is no shortage of distance grips…
«April 25 must be the fight against intolerance, racism, violence and lack of freedom. This is April 25th, and this is what makes it necessary to look forward. It is absurd that there are revisionist readings, that someone can still think of standing still 78 years ago. The dead are the same, which doesn’t mean forgetting. But if we keep dividing ourselves, it’s no use.”

The majority motion was not voted on the left because it did not contain the word “anti-fascism”.
«It is a way to continue to cultivate divisions. To say this country is fascist is to pamper a battle that no longer exists. It is a closed page, like that of communism. But I’m not among those who play cards, concentration camps against sinkholes. So we don’t go out. Also in order not to turn April 25 into something for old people».

“What for old men”?
«With respect for history, we have to rethink this celebration in a different key, get out of the swampy format distant from young people, to whom we have to communicate the values ​​of April 25th, but in a different way: memory of what has been but also a projection on the future. We have to act for young people, and instead in Italy the old people vote, we vote… The effort is to make this a country for young people».

April 22, 2023 (change April 22, 2023 | 07:06)


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