Anti-rave decree, the protest of the students of Milan: the sit-in blocks traffic in the Darsena area

Anti-rave decree, the protest of the students of Milan: the sit-in blocks traffic in the Darsena area


There were about fifty of them, they sat on the asphalt blocking the cars and sending the traffic on Saturday afternoon into a tailspin in the Navigli area to protest against the so-called anti-rave decree signed by the Meloni government. The boys, all members of student collectives in Milan, have chosen a strategic point, right at the intersection of traffic lights between viale D’Annunzio and corso di Porta Ticinese, at the beginning of Piazza XXIV Maggio. The protest lasted about half an hour: sitting on the ground, the boys spread a banner on the asphalt with the inscription “You write anti-rave, you read anti-dissent. No 434 bis”.

Already in the afternoon the boys had made an appointment in the park of the Basilicas in Piazza Vetra for a public meeting of the Student Network: and it is from there that they moved to get near the Darsena and block traffic – between horns and little solidarity from motorists – with their sit-in.

In recent days, banners with the same writing had appeared in front of some high schools in Milan. As explained in a press release, they contest the decree because “it is not limited to the ambit of playful gatherings but undermines the freedom of expression of the dissent of all of us. The text is very vague and consequently its future application will be potentially very repressive and limiting in situations we experience every day such as the occupations of our schools, student parties or any other initiative that involves aggregation in public or private spaces “.

“From the words we will pass to the action: we will dance the same, we will occupy the same”the promise of the collectives that postpone to Friday 18 November for the “No Meloni day” from Largo Cairoli.


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