Anti-rave decree, the amendment banning “non-native music” appears on Twitter. But it is a fake

Anti-rave decree, the amendment banning "non-native music" appears on Twitter.  But it is a fake


Twitter users unleashed by an amendment by the Interior Ministry to the anti-rave decree that has been circulating on social media since this morning. It is a fake, however, and it was explained by the author himself, the journalist Carmelo Palma, in a post entitled ‘A nice game, it doesn’t last long’. But not before the matter went viral. This is the fake amendment: “Finally, add the following paragraph to Article 5, paragraph 1, paragraph 434-bis: non-native music and the consumption of psychotropic substances as per Presidential Decree 309/1990 “. And to solicit the irony of social users was the passage on ‘non-native music’.

Genio78 writes: “I was in the car singing Romagna Mia, when the police stopped me. One of the policemen: ‘You are singing non-native music, here we are in the Marche’. He was right, I had passed Rimini without realizing it. 70 euro fine. and immediate evacuation of the car radio “. And Giuli1979: “We thought they wanted to prevent demonstrations and parades and instead with ‘non-native music’ they aimed only at safeguarding the smoothness”. And so on.

It was the author of the post who revealed the fake. “I thought I was doing a Lercio-like post, instead I did a little social experiment” which “confirms that in the face of such an unlikely government and legislator, everything becomes possible and can be believed to be true, because the rational boundary between the credible and the the unbelievable is completely blown “.


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