Ansaldo Energia, the Government guarantees the recapitalization

Ansaldo Energia, the Government guarantees the recapitalization


Ansaldo Energia and the shareholder Cdp Equity «proceed with the finalization, within the technical timeframe, of the agreement relating to the capital and financial strengthening manoeuvre, which includes the recapitalization of the company by the shareholder Cdp Equity. This agreement provides for the adhesion of financial creditors. The words are reported, black on white, on the document signed by the trade unions and the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy, after the meeting held in Rome.

Furthermore, the text reports, “the Government guarantees the path outlined, which it supports and supports, monitoring its progress through maintaining the table with the social partners at Mimit”.

Table chaired by undersecretary Bergamotto

The table was chaired by the undersecretary of Mimit, Fausta Bergamotto. The meeting was attended by representatives of Ansaldo Energia, Cdp Equity, the Liguria Region and trade union organisations.

«The meeting at the ministry – reads a note from Fim-Cisl, which was represented by the national secretary, Valerio D’Alò, by the Ligurian general secretary, Christian Venzano, and by two representatives of the Rsu, Andrea Capogreco and Raffaele Casella – he finally clarified the Government’s position with respect to the future of Ansaldo Energia: we have received guarantees on the recapitalization from Cassa depositi e prestiti and the Government will act as guarantor; this commitment has finally been put on paper”.

The Executive: «Strategic company»

The note goes on to explain that, moreover, the Executive «has ensured the strategic importance of the company in the national energy plan for the transition. And it was decided that there will be a permanent table at the ministry to discuss the industrial plan and the orders related to the transition”.


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