Ansaldo Energia covers the job losses of 2023 with training

Ansaldo Energia covers the job losses of 2023 with training


Ansaldo Energia recovers with hours of training for employees the unloading expected in 2023, caused by the shortage of orders, also caused by the effects of the war between Russia and Ukraine.

“We have signed with the company management – explains a note signed by the RSU of Aen – an agreement concerning a training program to develop skills (subject to the approval, by Anpal, the National Agency for active employment policies, of the request contribution to the New Skills Fund).

Involved 1,644 workers

The unions explain that the programme, which will involve 1,644 managers, office workers and workers from Aen and Ansaldo Green Tech, will be launched from March 2023 and will end in July next year. The per capita duration of the training program may vary from a minimum 96 hours to a maximum of 180 hours.

The hours will be included in the contractual working hours and will be paid at 100%. The company will recover 60% of the salary and 100% of the contributions from the New Skills Fund. The total duration will be 110 days, for a total number of hours equal to 206,948. These hours of training, underlines the note, “will make it possible to face the workload foreseen for 2023, equal to 200,000 hours”.

No social safety nets until August

Point 10 of the agreement reads: “The implementation of the training program will make it possible not to resort, at least until August 2023, to social safety nets to counter the negative economic-productive situation”.


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