Andrea Giambruno, who is the companion of Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s first “first gentleman” –

Andrea Giambruno, who is the companion of Giorgia Meloni, Italy's first "first gentleman" -


Andrea Giambruno, Mediaset journalist, Giorgia Meloni’s partner: together they have a baby girl. First gentleman or first partner? I don’t know, let’s wait for a neologism from Zingarelli …

Face Mediaset, almost always a step back from the political spotlight. Andrea Giambruno41 years old, the companion of Giorgia Meloni (4 years older) and, from today, after being sworn in at the Quirinale, the first first gentleman of the Italian Republic.

Even though – in an interview with Candida Morvillo, after the elections on 25 September – he was shy: Should you call me first gentleman, first partner or something else? I do not know. I reckon there’s no real wording for the male equivalent of First Lady. Are we waiting for a neologism from Zingarelli ?.

The journalist and the leader of the Brothers of Italy met behind the scenes of a broadcast

conducted by Paolo Del Debbio, of which Giambruno was the author.

Meloni arrives out of breath and says to his spokesperson Giovanna: I haven’t eaten, I’m hungry that I faint …. In a commercial break, she eats a banana on the fly, but when it comes back on the air, the leader of FdI still there with the fruit in hand: I rush in and snatch it from him even with a certain enthusiasm, we miss the Meloni live with a banana … Giambruno remembers saying that the leader mistook him for an assistant –
. I don’t know our eyes meet strangelybeen a while.

From that moment on, the journalist began a close courtship. And some time later, on September 16, 2016, little Geneva arrived,

call so because of Lancelot. Giorgia’s arrival at Palazzo Chigi, for her the completion of a thirty-year journey; for our daughter, a page of history that, when she grows up, will make her proud of her mother of her, she had said of her.

Does the old saying behind a great man there is a great woman also hold true for you?

Certainly yes – Meloni had told a Seven

-. Andrea a fantastic father, very present. He spends a week in Milan a month, but when he works here he almost always works in the evening and during the day he stays with Ginevra a lot. We take turns, we help each other, we complement each other. And then: does he ask his partner for advice, opinions? I involve him, yes, but not too much. When we are together I try to leave politics out, to disconnect. Not easy: he follows all the talks, I pass by: “Still with politics? Please, change, I can’t stand it anymore! ”.

On some issues, Giambruno and Meloni have revealed that they think differently: We discuss gay couples, ethical issues, the legalization of soft drugs – the leader of the Brothers of Italy had revealed again -. We don’t think the same way.

Although he had denied being leftist: That was a joke: we just have divergent opinions on some ethical issues, such as assisted suicide. I think that the state must reflect on whether it is right that a person can die in her home, with family members, or be forced to go to die in Switzerland. The two of us discuss sensitive issues that – I understand – politics must face with a different responsibility than me, who only have my own personal opinion. There is no discussion on abortion: you will not find a line in which Giorgia disputes 194. On the rest, there is no quarrel, there is talk and everyone justifies her position.

From Google searches, the most prominent video is the one in which the journalist, live on Tgcom, she launches into a heartfelt defense of her partner when she was insulted on the radio by the historian Mario Gozzini with misogenic and shameful words.

The real Giorgia, he explained, has a femininity with a fragile part of her, a human being with her own sensitivity, her own sweetness. Not a robot. The real Giorgia is a self-made person, with so many difficulties in adolescence, who grew up without her father: she has shown that if she works hard and without shortcuts, you have your redemption. Giorgia has achieved something unthinkable, given her starting conditions. the prototype of the Italian we love: we like those who come out of nowhere and make it more than those who are born arrived. the proven proof that a woman can do everything and better than a man.

As for the wedding, this is not the time to think about marriage, the priorities are other. And the diamond I am talking about in my WhatsApp status Giorgia: a diamond now rough, a champion, ready to be prime minister, ready to lead the country.

October 22, 2022 (change October 22, 2022 | 10:28)


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