And now enough moralizing complaints about the electoral law

And now enough moralizing complaints about the electoral law


It is a tool: whoever knows how to use it wins, whoever doesn’t know how to use it loses. The dissatisfied want the proportional back, they want the parties back, but they don’t want the parties to decide on Parliament. Talk about politics, right?

Therefore the Rosatellum electoral law turned out to be perfect. In 1991, more than three decades ago, 95-odd percent of Italians (62 percent of voters on those entitled) abolished the system of preferences, judged to be gravely corrupt. The Mattarellum followed in 1993, abolishing the proportional system: three quarters of a majority vote in one shift, one fourth proportional. Either there or here, government chosen by the vote, no corrupt preferences. The following year, with that left and liberal electoral law, knowing how to handle it, Berlusconi won, and with him the alternation of different forces at the helm of the executive was born, then in fact the Olive tree, then Berlusconi, the Union etc. . In 2013, with the Porcellum law wanted by the center-right, the center-left won, and Renzi dominated the legislature, taking over Berlusconi as in a relay race, until the catastrophe of the constitutional referendum.

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