Amber is not enough, Elly is needed here. The mess of Pd and trade unions on May Day

Amber is not enough, Elly is needed here.  The mess of Pd and trade unions on May Day


The government does its part, now it’s up to the opposition. The strategy of rights is singalong and marries nullity on war and foreign policy: Schlein lets go of anti-fascism and seeks harmony with reality

When Italy is ideally divided between Concertone and decree, these are bad times. The impression is that on May 1 the trade unions and the opposition left combined an ideological mess mixing “X Factor” and far-fetched accusations against a Western government siding with Ukraine, defined as a “death salesman”, while the decree on work lowered taxes and increased paychecks. And we were coming from an April 25 in which the suspicion of racism and fascism stood out, and we are already with the ranks of victims of the repression and censorship of an illiberal and authoritarian regime. The strategy of rights is sing-song and goes hand in hand with the nullity of war and foreign policythe government puts common sense into prose, the ordinary things to do to get us out of trouble as much as possible, perhaps with an emphasis that you may not like, a spottone a bit from apprentices of the media system, you can’t have everything from life.

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