AIA, in the integrative work stability

AIA, in the integrative work stability


Contract stability guaranteed upon reaching a certain number of working days, more protected maternity leave for seasonal workers, worker involvement and emphasis on equal opportunities.
About 5,500 people who work every day at the Veronesi Group’s AIA poultry sector sites benefit from the renewal of the second-level supplementary contract for the three-year period 2023-2025. The signature with the coordination represented by the union secretariats Veneto FLAI-CGIL FAI-CSIL and UILA-UIL. The agreement places people’s commitment on various fronts at the centre.
Among other things, AIA produces Aequilibrium, Wudy, Spinacine and BonRoll: the latter is a “historic” recipe that is regularly renewed, and has a market share of 70% (out of 100 meatloaf sold, 70 are BonRoll, in the photo production line).

The news

For the next three years, the maximum amount available to each worker is 6,750 euros once 100% of the objectives set and shared with the trade union parties are achieved (2,200 euros in 2023, 2,250 euros in 2024, 2,300 in 2025). Thanks to welfare plan and the dedicated “Veroneasy life” platform, each worker will have the option of converting the tax-free value of the bonus – all or part of it – into the purchase of goods or services ranging from health care to education, sport and free time up to shopping and petrol vouchers. The company – where people of 70 different nationalities work – will also recognize, to those who convert a share equal to or greater than 50% of the bonus accrued, a net additional value equal to 10% of the converted amount which can be spent exclusively on welfare.

To enhance the active contribution of each, forms of equal involvement of workers will also be established within the nine offices involved, with the aim of encouraging the search for innovative solutions proposed by workers in the 4 areas that contribute to the formulation of the award: productivity, product quality, occupational health and safety and improvement of environmental sustainability performance.

The stabilizations

News also on the labor front: permanent contracts start when 1,620 days worked on call are reached (which become 1,260 for those who have worked for over seven years. “Although in a complex context and recognizing the centrality of people, the company and the parties unions shared the importance of defining structured stabilization paths for personnel employed on fixed-term contracts – seasonal and casual, typical of the sector.The agreement clearly establishes the requirements for permanent stabilization, with particular reference to the number of days actual worked.

An innovative and unique measure in the Italian poultry sector, which brings together the needs of workers with the need for flexibility of the business, where seasonality has a strong component, with particular attention to the protection of maternity leave: “A quota of days of absence it is recognized as part of the minimum to be achieved for stabilization”, explains Diego Piccolo, Human Resources director of the Veronesi Group.


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