against the maneuver but divided in piazza-

against the maneuver but divided in piazza-


from Maria Theresa Meli

Demonstration of the Democratic Party on 17 December. Critical calendar: absence of proposals. The M5S: ready to defend the weak

The oppositions contest the manoeuvre. But they march in uniform and risk striking in random order. The day before yesterday Giuseppe Conte, announcing a large demonstration against the reform of the basic income, had tried to put the dem in difficulty: This is a pitched battle for a progressive vision and I hope that the Democratic Party can join us, even if I understand its internal debate also on an identity profile. The next day, i.e. yesterday,
Enrico Letta to avoid being paraded through the square by Conte relaunches the decision taken in the last National Assembly on social media:
On Saturday 17th there will be our demonstration against an improvised and unfair manoeuvre.

The Democratic Party has not yet decided where to carry out the initiative. In Piazza San Giovanni? Maybe, but it needs to be filled, says an authoritative dem executive. And to do this, the Nazarene should make use of the help of the CGIL, which in recent times is closer to the M5S than to the Democratic Party (and in any case Maurizio Landini has postponed his assessment of the maneuver until today).

While Conte and Letta compete for the squares, Carlo Calenda teases the dem: Enrico, to demonstrate without proposing an alternative exactly the opposition that the right wishes to have. We will send you the document detailing the proposals for a fairer and more just counter-maneuver. But the Democratic Party doesn’t like it: we have an alternative, they say, and we will soon present our counter-maneuver to the Chamber.

In short, the dem find themselves for the umpteenth time in the Calenda-Conte pincer. With the first criticizing the demonstration in December and the second trying to name the leadership of the opposition hard and pure: If they want to throw the last ones off the road they will find a wall. We cannot allow social slaughter. This government only flexes its muscles against a small section of the population and peddles cowardice as courage.

But also the Pd itself to be divided internally. Andrea Orlando criticizes the maneuver with these words: Not improvised, but lucidly reactionary. In saying this, he denied the outgoing secretary, who, in announcing the demonstration on December 17, had literally defined the budget law of the Meloni government as improvised.

So Orlando, while the dem mayors or close to the Democratic Party, such as Beppe Sala, appear much more cautious in expressing judgments on the maneuver. The mayor of Bari, Antonio Decaroobserves: From the first information we have on the budget law, it seems to us that some steps are being taken in the right direction. Sala, while not appreciating the maneuver, uses much softer tones than his former dem comrades: It doesn’t change things, I understand that today it’s not easy. a budget law is a bath of reality, moreover in politics it often happens that between electoral promises and reality there is an extraordinary difference.

However, the candidate for the succession to the secretariat Stefano Bonaccini comes to Letta’s aid, who, after having defined the maneuver as insufficient, wrong and unfair, adds: It is good that we go down to the streets among the people on December 17th.

November 22, 2022 (change November 22, 2022 | 21:59)


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