After Abascal’s “scoppola”, Meloni has a plan B: to disarticulate the Ecr to count in the EU

After Abascal's "scoppola", Meloni has a plan B: to disarticulate the Ecr to count in the EU


The prime minister has guaranteed support for the leader of Vox, but the government does not lack distinctions with the Spanish extremists: “They are like us, but ten years ago”. The strategy to enter the majority after the Europeans

The Spanish Socialists, and therefore also the Pd, have thrown themselves on Raffaella Carrà. The unleashed dances for Pedro-Pedro-Pedro-Pe (Sánchez) bounce from Madrid to Rome and back. She, Giorgia Meloni, without fanfare, as revealed by the Foglio, moved in Mine mode. In the “if calling” version. On Sunday night the prime minister called and spoke at length with Santiago Abascal, leader of Vox, quite dejected about what, even at Palazzo Chigi, they call with a pinch of realism “scoppola”. The Italian leader, who is the head of the European Conservatives, told the “Brother of Spain” that their journey together does not end here. Indeed, hopefully in the government in a second time. Namely: parliamentary quagmire and new elections in the autumn. Ideal to ensure that the Spanish presidency semester, which has just begun, does not accelerate on the most divisive dossiers (starting with the environment) thus concentrating on internal events. Melonian hopes look to a possible trio: Spain-Poland-Holland before the great judgment of the Europeans next June. And yet all these arguments fall within the half-full glass of sangria version. The hard-headed numbers remain. And therefore Vox, even if it would win more seats in Strasbourg today, has not made it through. And this is a fact that hurts the most important supporter of the post-Franco party.

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