Action and Iv towards divorce in the Senate. Calenda: “Renzi breaks? I take note of it”. But postpone the showdown

Action and Iv towards divorce in the Senate.  Calenda: "Renzi breaks? I take note of it".  But postpone the showdown


The clash between Charles Calenda And Matthew Renzi. By now they seem to be moving towards the separation of parliamentary groups, especially in the Senate. Even if the assembly of senators, convened by Renziana Raffaella Paita, has been postponed to Monday. The meeting had been called by Iv to corner Calenda, after the latter’s decision to close off any possibility of an alliance with the Renzians in view of the Europeans. “Renzi proposes to break up the groups, we take note of it. I don’t know what else to say”, commented Calenda, who had already made it known that Azione would not participate in the meeting on Saturday. The reason: “Our Emilian parliamentarians will be in Emilia Romagna on Saturday”, he explained. “Italia Viva has confirmed the meeting of senators, I said I will not be able to participate. I proposed holding the meeting on Tuesday but they said no: they will do it among themselves and send us a statement”.

Result: the meeting was postponed from Saturday to Monday at 21, with the possibility of connecting remotely. This was announced by the group leader in the Senate of Iv Raffaella Paita: “Following Carlo Calenda’s changes of opinion requires Job’s patience”, he attacked. And again: “The truth is that this way of doing is inexplicable. He goes to talks to insult Renzi but does not accept that they talk about it in a group meeting. To avoid problems, however, I have decided to postpone the group meeting from Saturday to Monday,” Paita explains.

In the meantime, the blame game continues on the responsibility for the breakup. Renzi, interviewed by Sky tg24, attacked the ex-minister of economic development, stating that by now “it is not a question of a moral issue but a humoral issue” and adding that Calenda is now attacking him “like a grillino”. “The ideas – continued the former premier – are very similar. I don’t see any reason to quarrel. But I’m not the only one who can decide”. The tensions between the two escalated after the deputy’s move from Action to Itaia Viva Naike Grupponi and of Julia Pigoni, councilor in Emilia Romagna and regional coordinator of the party. The suspicion of the Calendians is that Renzi is carrying out a purchase campaign with the aim of emptying the party. In fact, after the farewell of the two exponents, the Florentine provincial secretary also passed to Iv, Franco Baccari. The resignations of the 38 members of the Modena provincial executive, starting with the city secretary, also weigh in on Action Peter Borsari.


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