«Acceleration on digital and human capital»- Corriere.it

«Acceleration on digital and human capital»- Corriere.it


Digital, skills, sustainability, process acceleration: these are the themes that emerged during the third edition of the CEO Talk The company of the future. Sustainable, inclusive and technological organized by Rcs Academy in collaboration with Corriere della Sera and Boston Consulting Group (BCG). An annual appointment that yesterday represented an opportunity to take stock of the changes taking place. Talking about digital is no longer a novelty, the theme is accelerating. our reality is now, we need to take advantage of the opportunities, said Urbano Cairo, president and managing director of Rcs MediaGroup. Speaking of the impact of digital technology on publishing, Cairo recounted his recent trip to the US where the New York Times has the goal of 15 million subscribers by 2027, having become a tech company.


Even the Courier, a magazine with a strong tradition, offers accurate and verified information, we are in a moment in which the demand for news is at the top. On a political level for Luciano Fontana, editor of Corriere, the last elections have demonstrated a stability of the majority, probably this government will finish the legislature. a change of attitude with Europe should also be highlighted. This is confirmed by the economist Lucrezia Reichlin, I see a maturation of the debate on Europe, all the political parties have realized that it is strategic for Italy. The big issue is the reform of the stability pact. For Federico Rampini, editorialist of the Corriere, we must not forget that our economy is anchored to the European Union and the United States. Let’s reduce the risk China, let’s try to be less vulnerable.


For Ferruccio de Bortoli, president of the Corriere della Sera Foundation and Corriere editorialist, we have delegated the whole future of our country to the Pnrr but we need to have a project that goes beyond 2026, there is also a theme of human capital. Pietro Salini, CEO of Webuild, underlines that the role of companies is to think about tools for change. It is necessary to invest in the training of people, especially on issues related to safety in the workplace. For Michele Centemero, Italy Mastercard country manager, cyber security is the next step, we cannot think of not raising the security barriers.

The skills

For Ugo Cotroneo, BCG managing director and senior partner, the real challenge in the banking sector is training human capital, such as the skills and professions of the future. Massimo Doris, CEO of Banca Mediolanum agrees: We invest a lot in technology but also in people because digital and AI can never replace the direct relationship with the customer. Giampiero Maioli, CEO of Crdit Agricole Italia and senior country officer, says that in 2022 we received a million job requests but, if it is easier to insert young people, the challenge is to accompany the rest of the population towards technologies. For Corrado Passera, founder & CEO of illimity, innovating for a bank means: technology, skills to assess sectors and stay close to companies in times of difficulty, and speed.


On the subject of sustainability, Nicolas Bargi, CEO and founder of Save The Duck, says: To do better, we have started working on the product chain that impacts 90%. For Massimo Battaini, Prysmian Group coo & board member, sustainability was a theme to achieve internal goals but, more importantly, to work with customers to allow them too to decarbonise. For Federica Minozzi, CEO of Iris Ceramica Group, sustainability generates value, allows business opportunities and, at the same time, creates a better world. For Simone Pedrazzini, CEO of Quantis Italy (BCG), we provide data so that companies can make informed choices. For Cristina Scocchia, CEO of Illy Caff, social and environmental responsibility activities must be a fundamental part of the decision-making process, change the business model.

Artificial intelligence

The other big theme is AI in companies but, once again, human capital prevails. For Francesco Durante, CEO of Sisal, the impact of AI will depend on how we use it. Today we try to create a culture of innovation to be incorporated into the corporate one. For Roberto Giacchi, CEO of Italiaonline, AI will give us the possibility to start processes that require new skills and a different mindset. For Alberto Calcagno, CEO of Fastweb, AI is an extraordinary opportunity but the focus of future jobs will be management between humans and machines. Underlines Veronica Diquattro, CEO of global markets DAZN, we need to stop worrying and start dealing with the integration of AI. Concludes Mariangela Marseglia, VP country manager Amazon.it and Amazon.es, skills are fundamental, we are at the beginning of a real revolution. Finally, in the morning of work, the speeches by Silvia Boschetti and Paola Scarpa of BCG.

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