About Elly Schlein. Conversation between Castagnetti and Cuperlo

About Elly Schlein.  Conversation between Castagnetti and Cuperlo


The secretary of the Democratic Party is a UFO for them. An object not yet identified, and who knows if it ever will be. Meanwhile, she appears and disappears. She’s always laughing it off in her psychedelic-colored bell-bottoms

“Eh, dear Gianni: times like this, but have you seen the group leaders elected by acclamation?”. Good-natured laugh. “Ah, dear Pierluigi, you know that just today I re-read, because they sent it to me, an article in La Stampa by Norberto Bobbio on the Craxi congress in Verona. Do you know what he wrote? That election by acclamation is the death of democracy. Bobbio”. What happens if an old left-wing Christian Democrat and the last secretary of the Italian Youth Federation of Italian Communists meet on the Transatlantic? Simple: they talk about Elly Schleinand the spirit of the time. Pierluigi Castagnetti And Gianni Cuperlo they are the bearers of the two political cultures that have pollinated the Democratic Party. From the center and from the left. “Elly doesn’t have the party in mind as we knew it, but a light movement formation that responds blow by blow to Meloni on issues without perhaps a broad strategy”, says Cuperlo, with the polite manner and noble smile of a Central European intellectual which is . “They had asked me to join management, but I preferred to decline the invitation. The noble fathers can also stay outside, if they are listened to of course”, adds Castagnetti, a career that winds through the First Republic with Don Giuseppe Dossetti and reaches up to Benito Zaccagnini and Mino Martinazzoli. “I spoke to Elly,” says the former Popular and later founder of Margherita and the Democratic Party. And what did he tell her? “Are you asking me if you have been receptive? I don’t think so, she was polite, yes. Let’s say that you listened to me ”, Castagnetti resumes, wisely but also quite disenchanted.

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