Abortion, FdI proposes a law for the rights of the conceived

Abortion, FdI proposes a law for the rights of the conceived


After the proposed law license plate Maurice Gasparri, a new pro-life proposal appears in the Senate destined to embarrass the government. It is a bill – this time filed by Senator FdI Roberto Mania – which aims to recognize the “juridical capacity of every human being” by modifying article 1 of the civil code. The objective – reads the text – is “to declare that every man has legal capacity as a man, that is, that legal subjectivity originates from conception, not from birth”.

A formulation that follows the text deposited by Gasparri at the beginning of the legislature and that the oppositions fear could pave the way for a non-application of law 194 on voluntary termination of pregnancy. The text continues: “It is a question of recognizing, even in the juridical sphere, that embryo, fetus, newborn, child, boy, adolescent, young, adult, elderly, old are different names with which an identical reality is indicated, a identical subject, the same personal being, the same man”, explains Menia in the presentation of the proposal. Regarding abortion, the FdI sentaiore writes that “it is essential to clearly identify the juridical meaning of the human being in the youngest phase of his existence”.

Oppositions arise. Alessandra Majorino of the Movimento 5 stelle speaks of a “juridical monstrum” and attacks: “Meloni’s party wants to rob women of property over their bodies and attribute legal subjectivity superior to a fertilized oocyte compared to the female”. Second Simon Malpezzi, leader of the Democratic Party at Palazzo Madama, “recognizing the legal capacity of the conceived, as FdI proposes in a bill filed in the Senate, means only one thing: canceling the woman’s right to self-determination in choosing whether to become a mother or not”. “A good proposal for right-wing propaganda but very dangerous in terms of rights,” he says Luana Zanellaleader of the Alliance Verdi e Sinistra.

It is not the first time that the prime minister’s party has been accused of wanting to limit the 194. Accusations that Giorgia Meloni she has always replied by sending them to the sender, declaring that her goal is not to abolish the law but to strengthen it by guaranteeing women in difficulty “the right not to have an abortion”.


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