Abortion, Brothers of Italy in Liguria does not vote for the commitment to guarantee it

Abortion, Brothers of Italy in Liguria does not vote for the commitment to guarantee it


GENOA. Fratelli d’Italia abstained and the center-right divides itself in the Regional Council of Liguria in the vote on an agenda on the “right of women to choose the voluntary termination of pregnancy”. The document, presented by the Democratic Party, was approved with 21 votes in favor: in addition to the Democratic Party, M5S, Lista Sansa, Lista Toti, Lega and Forza Italia voted.

Precisely in Genoa, the leader of the Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni before the vote had declared in an electoral rally: «We want to give the right to women who think that abortion is the only choice they have, to make a different choice. We are not taking away a right but adding it ».

Three FdI directors, on the other hand, abstained and did not intervene in the debate. Six other center-right and center-left councilors were out of the classroom at the time of the vote. The agenda presented by the councilor Roberto Arboscello (Pd) commits the Giunta Toti “to guarantee women who decide not to carry a pregnancy to term in Liguria to make this choice without having to overcome any difficulty in accessing the facilities that carry out the ‘voluntary termination of pregnancy’.

The replica

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The agenda also commits the Executive to “support in the most appropriate fora the request of the European Parliament to include the right to legal and safe abortion in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union”. The president of the Region Giovanni Toti expressed the favorable opinion of the Executive on the document, but his indication was not followed by the councilors of Giorgia Meloni’s party.

Arboscello denounced “a disparity in access to facilities for the termination of pregnancy at a territorial level in Liguria”. The President, who still has at the moment also the delegation to Health, replied that “there are 9 health structures for the termination of pregnancy active in Liguria and they guarantee full compliance with law 194”. There were 2,007 abortions in Liguria in 2021. “At the regional level, health personnel are fully sufficient to ensure the service – Toti underlines -: objecting doctors are 64 out of 123, objecting anesthetists are 67 out of 204”.

Those who are against abortion cannot be silenced

Vladimiro Zagrebelsky


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