A self-certification worth 40 billion. Meloni tracks down the mayors on the Pnrr, and looks for an alibi

A self-certification worth 40 billion.  Meloni tracks down the mayors on the Pnrr, and looks for an alibi


In reconnaissance on the implementation of the Recovery, Minister Fitto will ask the municipalities and the implementing bodies to reaffirm their commitments. So that the government does not remain with the match in hand in case of defeat. The tensions between the Anci and Palazzo Chigi

The initiative, seen for what it appears, is almost a superfluous pedantry, a task that will aggravate a tangle of bureaucratic obligations that already presents too many complications. And yet, if the government has decided to ask the mayors and regional presidents to reiterate their investment commitments in the implementation of the Pnrr, putting it in the minutes, it is for a precise political choice, as well as a technical one. In fact, that self-certification serves Giorgia Meloni in order not to remain with the match in hand: to be able to say, should she find herself forced to admit the failure to achieve the objectives agreed with Brussels, that her fault is not hers, but the local administrators .

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