A micro-proof Code. The proposal on Confartigianato tenders

A micro-proof Code.  The proposal on Confartigianato tenders


In Italy, the regulation of public procurement is a “construction site” that has been open for almost 20 years and is studded with continuous regulatory changes and second thoughts during construction. Since the 2004 European directives on the subject, there have been many attempts to regulate tenders for public works, but often marked by choices that have produced confusion, if not even paralysis of the market. The reform launched by the government on 28 March therefore opens up new hopes for turning the page and, above all, for seizing the unmissable and unrepeatable opportunity to implement the Pnrr. The conditions seem to exist: the new Procurement Code is inspired, in fact, by criteria of simplification, certainty of the rules and speed of procedures. Principles that the president of Confartigianato, Marco Granelli, has welcomed, emphasizing a fundamental aspect that has been neglected in all these years: “Allowing the participation of artisans and micro and small enterprises in public tenders. This is an essential condition considering that they represent 98 percent of companies in the construction sector”. And the attention to small businesses that Confartigianato has been calling for for years finally finds space in the new Code. Starting with a greater push for the subdivision into lots suited to the economic-financial capacity of micro and small companies. Furthermore, the revision of the prices of raw materials and construction products, another very hot topic, repeatedly reported by Confartigianto, will finally be governed by the new Code.

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