A country of 10.9 cum laude. The revenge of the Italian model

A country of 10.9 cum laude.  The revenge of the Italian model


Other than bringing up the rear and rebound growth. In 2021-22, GDP growth will be unmatched among the G7 countries. What economists and owls have not understood about the cultural turning points of recent years. Industry 4.0, short supply chains, diversification: the reasons that make exports soar. Countercurrent investigation

The idea that Italy is still the country that grows economically least of all, that it is the eternal “bringing up the rear”, is a hard cliché to die. Even in the face of an increase in the national GDP which will certainly exceed 10 percent in the two-year period 2021-2022, Italy’s detractors and pessimists to the bitter end are not willing to change their minds. Still, the numbers speak for themselves. After the cyclical growth of 0.1 per cent in the first quarter, 1.1 per cent in the second and again 0.5 per cent in the third (the latter change also confirmed by the second Istat estimate of 30 November), the Italy has already accumulated an acquired growth for 2022 of 3.9 percent. That is, this would be the final increase in GDP in 2022 even if the fourth quarter were to have a “flat” trend. In this case, considering the 6.7 percent increase already achieved in 2021 over 2020, Italy would grow by a total of 10.9 percent in the two-year period 2021-2022. A “praiseworthy” performance in all respects, by 0.9 percentage points over the fateful “10”.

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