5 star Elly, 5 stars for Elly. Here are the former grillini on the threshold of the Democratic Party

5 star Elly, 5 stars for Elly.  Here are the former grillini on the threshold of the Democratic Party


Sergio Battelli, Davide Crippa, Paola Deiana. And then, perhaps, Vincenzo Spadafora. The Veterogrillina troop is now knocking on the doors of the Nazarene

Winks, mostly. Exchange of messages, congratulations. But also some advanced requests, in some cases already validated. Here it is, the veteran grilled troop who is now knocking on the doors of the Nazarene: all more or less enthusiastic, more or less well-disposed towards Elly Schlein. Vincenzo Spadafora is perhaps the most cautious. He celebrates the dem turnaround on rights, praises the new course: he also wrote to the new secretary to congratulate him on his victory. “But more than joining the Democratic Party, what I’d like to do – says the former Dimaian minister, who has returned to his old passion for associations working for Terre des Hommes – is to aggregate various experiences of youth activism and the third sector, obviously in left field. If this means bringing a network of non-profit organizations to Schlein, it’s too soon to say. However, it is not premature to imagine Sergio Battelli with a Pd card. The former Ligurian parliamentarian, former president of the European Affairs Commission, does not hide his intentions: “In this new Pd I could recognize myself, of course. But I would enter, as they say, on tiptoe, with the utmost respect for the history of a great party”. He has already gone to the gazebos: “I voted yes in the primaries. For Schlein, sure.”

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