Youth sport is worth a cent of GDP: the initiative by Coni and Banca Ifis to preserve it

Youth sport is worth a cent of GDP: the initiative by Coni and Banca Ifis to preserve it


Training the citizens and champions of tomorrow. For the second consecutive year, Coni and Banca Ifis announce the joint project to support grassroots sport: 160 thousand euros donated in scholarships to the dozens of athletes who won an under-18 world medal during 2022. “This year the per capita figure is unfortunately slightly lower”, explains the number one of the Olympic Committee. “But the reason is simple: we have won more medals. I thank Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio”, the president of Banca Ifis, “who telephoned me one day to ask me what we could do together if we had funds available for sport. From there this initiative was born, aimed at the growth of a fundamental asset of the Italian company”.

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